
Ananda Copy

Ananda Copy is a copy trading service, filled with risk management tools and detailed strategy profiles, which providers can use to showcase their products. A solution, tailored for commitment-free investing.

Ananda Copy

An Investment Platform

Ananda Copy is an overhaul of the mirror trading platform, formerly known as cMirror, which functions as a flexible investment platform and a fully-integrated feature of Ananda.

Any trader can become a Strategy Provider, and broadcast their trading signals to followers for a performance, management and volume fee. Investors can, in turn, discover strategies, and copy them without any long-term commitment.

Ananda Copy is a core component of the Ananda Suite of trading platforms. It’s provided to all brokers at no extra charge.

Benefits for Brokers

Offering a copy trading service enables brokers to access a whole new segment of investors.
Ananda Copy provides you with an effective solution that will:

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Increase Acquisition

Attract and convert users who want to invest, rather than trade for themselves.

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Complete Offering

Increase your range of services and come closer to having a complete product offering.

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Extend Lifetime Value

Retain traders, who were not successful with their own trading strategies.

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Higher Volumes

Offer Algorithmic Traders a solution to increase their income, by selling their automated strategies.

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More Deposits

Onboard Strategy Providers and Money Managers, who will bring and actively recruit new investors.

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Mature Marketplace

Give your investors thousands of strategies to choose from.

Benefits for Users

Anyone with a Ananda account can start using Ananda Copy, either as an investor or a Strategy Provider.

Strategy Providers

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Center stage of an open environment, offering infinite potential

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No induction period – start broadcasting from day one

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Choose exactly how much commission to charge your copiers

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Receive commissions collected from investors each day

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Broadcast strategies from your preferred Ananda broker

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Enjoy entire strategy page, available to embed on external sites


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Copy strategies of sophisticated traders already using Ananda

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Keep control – start and stop copying a strategy at any time

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Advanced risk management settings to protect your account

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Full transparency, showing complete history and open positions

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Rich analytics from detailed charts to help find the right strateg

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Message Strategy Providers to ask questions before committing

Benefits for Users

Advanced Analytics

Charts visually display Time Weighted ROI, Balance vs Equity, Breakdown of Traded Symbols and History of Followers. Charts can be adjusted to specific time periods. Strategy profiles include detailed tables of statistics to provide information and rich insights on performance and behavior.

Advanced Analytics
Strategy Profiles

Strategy Profiles

Strategy Providers can create detailed profiles to help them promote themselves. Descriptions can be added to provide supporting information about the strategy. Each strategy has its own URL, making it easy to share with prospective investors outside of the cTader platform.

Benefits for Users

Boost volumes and increase retention capabilities with Ananda Copy

Equity to Equity Copying

Strategy Providers can create detailed profiles to help them promote themselves. Descriptions can be added to provide supporting information about the strategy. Each strategy has its own URL, making it easy to share with prospective investors outside of the Ananda platform.

Equity to Equity Copying


Investors can bookmark strategies they are interested in to watch, monitor, and come back to them later. At the same time, all strategies that are being followed are listed for easy reference and ability to modify settings at any point.

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Volume-Based Commissions

Strategy Providers can charge commissions based on the volume that their investors have traded, while copying their strategy. Volume fees are added to each position and charged once for opening, and once for closing positions.

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Performance and Management

A popular method used by money managers, which allows them to take a percentage of their clients ROI, using a High Water Mark and a fee, according to the amount of money their investors have allocated.
